Friday, June 7, 2013

First Haircut!

I went and got my first haircut today! Mommy and Daddy were going to wait until I was old enough to ask for one but my hair was matting up like the La-la's hair so Mommy and Daddy decided it was time for me to go.
They chose a fun kid place to get it done to make it a little less scary. Uncle Matt also got to go and anywhere that Uncle Matt goes, I know will be fun!
Mommy told me the whole way there that I was getting my hair cut like I would mind. No way! Shave my head! I don't care! As long as there is no more ripping my head off trying to comb through the dread locks!
I was so excited to sit in one of the cool truck chairs. It didn't get scary until the lady out this blanket on me. I HATE BLANKETS!!! But then Mommy told me it wasn't a blanket but a cape like Supaman! And everything was better. I was even given a pop! Mommy never gives me pops!
The lady cut my hair faster than the Trucks show I was watching. Dad-gum!

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